Children in Permaculture

Children in Permaculture


Our Offer

Since we experience nature as a wonderful place to learn, are really enthusiastic about the ingenious approaches of permaculture and are convinced that you cannot sow seeds early enough, we made the decision in the autumn of 2020 to develop and offer permaculture programmes for young people - one of the first in Switzerland.

We are proud of the fact that we started to implement this pioneering work already in 2020. Our weekly and holiday programs for children of primary school age took shape, based on the ethical principles of permaculture "earth care, people care, fair share and future care".

In these programs, children observe, discover, research and learn mindfully in and with nature. Hands-on experience is of central importance. By sowing, planting, watching grow, caring for, harvesting, processing and sharing healthy food, children understand and appreciate the sources of their food. They become aware that there can be enough for everyone, we can live in community with and for each other, they re-establish connections with the natural world and develop empathy. Protecting natural habitats is also of central importance. We encourage the children to be independant and to understand themselves. We give free rein to creativity; making music and telling stories, playing and taking time for oneself. These and many other important topics are what we want to pass on to the generation of tomorrow.

For more information see our Weekly progam and Holiday program.

Just like permaculture, we are dynamic and constantly evolving. Besides developing and expanding our existing programs, we are currently also adapting permaculture programs for schools and when the time is right, we would like to extend our programs to other age groups.